Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Chemnitz

Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Chemnitz
c/o Technische Universität Chemnitz
city with zip-code
09125 Chemnitz
Erfenschlager Straße 73
contact name
Dr. Hendrik Hopf
contact mail
contact telephone
+49 371 531 19935

The Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Chemnitz supports SMEs by the digital transformation of their systems and processes. Indus-trial equipment suppliers, suppliers for automotive and manufac-turing industries as well as IT/ICT service providers are the fo-cused industrial sectors. The service offer (e.g. workshops, de-monstrators, test environments, online tools, in house projects) includes several instruments for the stepwise sensitization, training and support of entrepreneurs, executives and practitioners for the topics digitalization, networking and industry 4.0 applications.

transfer topics

Automation, Digitalization, Energy Efficiency, Human, Industry 4.0, IT & ICT, Law, Logis-tics, Manufacturing, Processes, Products & Services, Work