Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Zittau

Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik, Zittau
Fraunhofer-Kunststoffzentrum Oberlausitz
city with zip-code
contact name
Dr. Martin Kausch/ Prof. Sebastian Scholz
contact mail;
contact telephone
+49 3583 54086 4001/+49 3583 54086 4009

The main research is put on the development of competitive construction concepts with a high integration of functions to reduce complex assembly processes and the development of economical, resource-efficient technologies of lightweight constructions on the basis of a generative assembly and processin fabric-reinforced plastic materials. The transfer of know-how into the region through R&D cooperations with enterprises of the Upper Lusatia and the border region of the Czech Republic and Poland is the main objective of the organisation.
